Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sony: Dear Customer, IOU One PS3...

Well, ok so Sony it stating that they will give out IOU's to customers waiting for the PS3. it is unclear so far if Sony is going to make you pay for the whole thing up front or just a down payment... But as Dracula Jones pointed out, " Is the voucher in True HD?" Genius.

(Via: Joystiq)

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Two Words - Halo. Three.

You damn right! Yeah I said it! A number of gaming sites today have shown to the world, against copyright laws i might add, a series of high resolution scans (read photos) of a Swedish magazine giving us an inside scoop on what's really been going down in Bungie Studios. Below is what has so far been extracted from the articles (they are in swedish after all!), courtesy of xbox360fanboy:

Spiker - a new Brute weapon
Spartan laser - a laser that tears vehicles apart
Nail Grenade - sticks into walls and sends nails everywhere

The Mongoose is in! This is the ATV that was cut from Halo 2. It seats two and has no weapons. Designed from recon and quick travel.

Multiplayer goodies
The "Man Cannon" - Spartans do their best Human Bullet impersonations for some extremely rapid transport. Players can still shoot in the air, and can be shot down.

The X button has a new, still secret feature. Reloading has now been allocated to the bumper buttons. Right bumper reloads the right weapon, and the left bumper reloads the left. Genius.

You can now see your secondary weapon when it's not in use. In other words, it's actually slung over your shoulder instead of magically appearing out of thin air. Also, a 4 DVD "Legendary" edition is planned that will have material from Red Vs. Blue, documentaries, and a collection of all cut scenes from the game (possibly the whole series?).

Additionally, 1up, one of the other organizations to have the honour to be invited for a massive press day at Bungie's Studios, has officially come out to confirm this information to be correct, and has also hinted at the ability to save video's of yourself playing, machinima style, but this was in the form of a rhetorical question so it's anyone's guess at this point.

Another awesome product of this Halo 3 news bombardment was this, it has become my new homepage, you want to know what it is i hear you say, well, it is a mini site exclusive to 1up, dubbed '3 weeks of Halo 3', the site will be updated with a series of articles, ranging from 'multiplayer map analysis' to 'halo 3 single player'. If you check out the link it will show when these articles will be hitting. God damn, roll on this months EGM already...

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Ps. Sorry if i beat you to this Jay!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

F.E.A.R. Review, and its good news!

IGN have finally reviewed the once higly anticipated (hype for the game seems to have died down of late) first person shooter, F.E.A.R.
It's got a very respectable score, one of the highest 360 scores from IGN to be more specific, coming in with a 9.1.
Things which really impressed the guys over there were the AI, which they say 'provides powerful combat sequences'. I agree, after playing through the demo, one of the biggest things which stuck out for me was how clever the AI was, not 'splinter cell clever' (knowing where you are even though you're the other side a concrete block), but humanly clever - if they're getting pummeled, they retreat, then come back at you from another angle, fantastic for firefights because it keeps you guessing, much alike a multiplayer session.
Also particularly impressive was the sound. The sound effects are all excellent, notably the guns you wield, they all sound wonderfully meaty. But moreso, according to IGN, was the ambience, the creepy sound effects, they 'add volumes to the atmosphere'.
And last but certainly not least, this game keeps you on your toes, why? because it's one scary mother of a game, IGN don't hesitate to tell you that more than a few times during the review.
Hype, they say, will certainly pick up for this game once it hits retail. I for one agree, and am looking forward to picking this game up come it's November release date (can anyone say PS3 launch?) and dipping into the 'Instant Action' mode, which drops you into different situations throughout the single player game and records how well you do, and sticks your statistics onto an Xbox Live leaderboard. Good stuff. See you on the leaderboards.

Jay, welcome aboard!
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Australia Loves The 360.

Well the Xbox 360 is really taking off in Australia. Here's what 360 fanboy had to say:

...the 360 was released down under in March -- the 360 has gone to sell 100,000 units. This handily beats the PS2 total of 78,000 units in its first seven months. Also, Australians have purchased 400,000 games for their 360s since launch, trouncing the PS2 total of 198,000 during the same period after its launch.

Now if they (Microsoft) just had more games like Blue Dragon, for the RPG, anime lovin' Japanese...

(Via: 360fanboy)

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rainbow 6: Vegas Demo Impressions.

I downloaded the RB6: Vegas demo through the Xbox Live Region work-around listed here. Now keep in mind this is a violation of Xbox Live's TOS (Terms of Service), but I gotta tell you this demo is almost worth it. First off let me say how beautiful this game looks, truly next-gen. Bright vivid colors (it's Vegas baby!), explosions, fire, neon, water, this game has it all. I've been a little disappointed with RB6 games in the past, they were just shy of being great. They always had something I couldn't quiet put my finger on that made then a 5 or 6 instead of a 8 or 9. Well from the demo of Vegas things certainly look much, much better. The character animation looks good, your team move well and does not put themselves into danger like most AI teammates. Enemies take and shoot from cover, they don't over expose themselves to you. There is a new much improved cover method used in Vegas, you simply come close to cover (walls, cars, columns, boxes, etc...) and hold the LT button down. You can then look, shoot, and move around said cover until you release LT. This make taking and leaving cover much more intuitive and easy to pull off, as apposed to trying to hit A on the right spot of the correct piece of cover and A again to release you. Aside from being short (it is a demo) this is a great download and I can't wait for the game.

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Achievements? Gamerscore? Not For The PS3.

My favorite part of the 360 is my gamerscore/achievements (Go ahead call me a Gamerscore whore!) and Sony confirms that they (1st party) will have nothing of the sort:

Speaking with Game|Life, SCEA's executive vp Jack Tretton confirmed that PlayStation 3 user accounts will not feature an aggregate score based on gaming accomplishments, squashing rumors that Sony would counter Microsoft's gamerscore/achievement system with "entitlements."

...third-party publishers will have the option to include their own achievement-like rewards, "on a game-by-game basis."

Wow. So 3rd party individual games can have their own score? Sounds great... Well you get what you pay for and Sony keeps saying, "free".

(Via: Joystiq)

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All Day I Dream About...Tech

An Introduction.

My Gamertag is Jayman007 and I am a new contributor to this amazing site. I live over in the US (St. Louis, Missouri) and I've been gaming since the NES days. I've had a 360 since launch (11-17-05 Sorry UK!) and I run my own tech/gaming blog over at: All Day I Dream About...Tech, Adidat for short. I will post any relevent 360 news over he as well as on my own site. I'm glad to be here, and I hope you guys enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy posting them.

360 To Outsell The PS3 And Wii!

These are the number as reported by IDG (International Development Group) of their prediction of Next-Gen console sales up to 2010. I agree with everything but the Wii. My belief that at Nintendo will sell WAY more Wii's than that.

(Via: Next-Gen)

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